My Vision

To light up thousands of lives by promoting a sense of belonging and unlock dreams, inspiring growth and joy.

Why Choose these Coaching Packages?

  • Personalized Approach: Every journey is unique, and so are my coaching sessions. I take the time to understand your individual goals and challenges, crafting a personalized roadmap for your success.

  • Expert Guidance: With a focus on resilience and building inner resourcefulness, my coaching provides you with the tools, insights, and support needed to navigate life's complexities with confidence.

  • Proven Strategies: My coaching is rooted in proven methodologies that have helped countless individuals achieve lasting change. You'll gain practical strategies that you can apply immediately to create positive momentum in your life.

“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself. “- Jiddu Krishnamurthy


"Are you ready to transform your life but don’t know where to start? Join our 4-Week program designed for those ready to take their growth to the next level. This package provides actionable strategies and accountability to help you achieve specific, tangible outcomes.

Week 1: Vision Quest

  • Clearly define your big goal.

  • What has been working? What has not been working?

  • Exploring the Why.

  • Begin step by step transformation.

Week 2 : Barrier Scan  

  • Current mindset, current environment, and challenges.

  • Pinpoint barriers, both internal and external, hindering progress.

  • Explore strategies to overcome these challenges- building resilience.

Week 3: Break the Mold

  • Exploring new perspectives.

  • Thinking outside the box. 

  • Delve deeper into the inner strength.

  • Identifying bold steps to take forward.

Week 4 : Reflections and Roadmaps

  • Awareness of shift in mindset.

  • Action plan to continue a purposeful path forward.

Package A: Foundational Growth

Our 6 Session, 2 month coaching Package highlights the importance of establishing a strong foundation through self-belief and support. Personal growth and empowerment stem from within, fostering resilience to overcome challenges and thrive. 

Week 1: Rooted Purpose

  • Assess the current situation and challenges.

  • Define clear, achievable goals.

  • Create an action plan.

Week 2: Barrier Scan 

  • Identify Saboteurs, limiting beliefs and obstacles.

  • Develop strategies to overcome them.

  • Begin to Implement techniques to make the change.

Week 3: Vision Deep Dive

  • Aligning Goals with Purpose.

  • Check on personal vision and core values.

  • Continued steps forward.

Week 4: Resourceful Foundations 

  • Focus on developing key skills for resilience.

  • Utilize inner strengths and external resources.

  • Practice new skills in real-life situations.

Week 5: Purposeful Progress

  • Action and check on accountability.

  • Diving deeper.

  • Monitor progress and adjust plans as needed.

  • Continue to take concrete steps toward goals.

Week 6: Clarity and Reflection

  • Review progress and achievements.

  • Adjust goals and strategies as needed.

  • Plan for continued growth and long-term success.

Package B: Empowerment & Action

Most Popular

Ready to elevate your life to new heights? Our 8 session, 3 month Coaching Package provides an immersive experience for those committed to profound, lasting change. Dive deep into self-discovery and growth with extended support, strategies, and insights designed for enduring success. This comprehensive program empowers you to break through barriers and achieve your deepest aspirations.

Week 1: Vision Quest

  • Identifying the big goal. 

  • What has been working & what has not. 

  • Creating the plan to success. 

Week 2: Barrier Scan 

  • Exploring and identifying current mindset.

  • Environmental advantages and challenges.

Week 3: Break the Mold

  • Thinking outside the box.

  • Identifying creative steps to move forward towards the goal. 

Week 4: Diving Deep

  • Digging deeper into limiting beliefs.

  • Exploring bolder solutions.

Week 5: Rooted Renewal 

  • Reassess the big Goal.

  • Continue the transformation with renewed intent. 

Week 6: Innovative Solutions

  •  Exploring further solutions for challenges (possible failure of first steps and reassessment).  

  • Combat saboteurs and tap into your light.

Week 7: Shifting Perspectives

  •  Identifying shifting mindsets.

  • Focussing on forward movement.

Week 8: Crafting the Path to Success

  • Having a concrete plan to move forward in achieving the goal.

Package C: Mastery & Transformation

Group Coaching

Group coaching rates vary based on factors such as the length and frequency of sessions, the size of the group, and the specific needs being addressed. For tailored packages, please contact me directly.

Schedule your complimentary consultation